Wishlist item availability notification

Sending wishlist item availability notifications is an effective way to engage potential customers and boost sales. Notifications keep customers informed of the latest products, sales, and discounts, so they can make the most of their desire to purchase the item. It also allows customers to save time searching for the same item or deal elsewhere. Notifications offer timely and helpful reminders and eliminate any missed chances of scoring the item they want most.

Notification 1 of 10
{{item_name}} is back in stock, add it to your cart now!
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1 second ago
{{item_name}} is back in stock, add it to your cart now!
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Other notification types for Social Media

Order confirmationOrder dispatchOrder deliveryOrder trackingReturn request confirmationReturn request approvalReturn request rejectionRefund confirmationCancel order confirmationProduct availability notificationBack in stock notificationPrice drop notificationNew product launch notificationNew collection launch notificationFlash sale notificationCoupon code promotionAbandoned cart reminderRecommendation for similar productsRecommendation for complementary productsRecommendation for related productsCustomer review notificationCustomer birthday rewardCustomer loyalty rewardCustomer anniversary rewardCustomer account creation confirmationCustomer account update confirmationCustomer account password reset confirmationCustomer account deactivation confirmationCustomer account reactivation confirmationCustomer account verification confirmationCustomer newsletter subscription confirmationCustomer newsletter unsubscription confirmationCustomer loyalty program enrollmentCustomer loyalty program points updateCustomer loyalty program rewards notificationCustomer loyalty program tier updateCustomer loyalty program expiration reminderCustomer loyalty program reactivation reminderCustomer loyalty program referral invitationCustomer loyalty program referral reward notificationCustomer loyalty program referral program expiration reminderCustomer account balance updateCustomer account balance expiration reminderCustomer account balance reward notificationCustomer account balance referral reward notificationCustomer account balance referral program expiration reminder