Billing statement view notification

Sending customers notifications about a billing statement view will increase user engagement and make it easier for customers to keep track of their bills. This notification will provide customers with peace of mind knowing that their billing statements are up to date and accurate. With the ability to view billing statements quickly and easily, customers can easily follow up on discrepancies or prepare for upcoming bills. This will foster trust and make it simpler for customers to manage their finances.

Notification 1 of 10
Your billing statement for {{month}} is now available for viewing.
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Your billing statement for {{month}} is now available for...
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Other notification types for Social Media

Invoice due reminderInvoice paid confirmationInvoice overdue reminderTime tracking reminderTime tracking submission reminderTime tracking approval notificationTime off request submitted notificationTime off request approved/denied notificationAccount balance low notificationNew feature release notificationBilling information update notificationPayment method update notificationSuspended account notificationSubscription expiration notificationDirect deposit notificationPayPal payment notificationCredit card payment notificationDirect debit payment notificationPayment success notificationRefund issued notificationDispute resolution notificationCredit balance notificationBilling statement available notificationBilling statement past due notificationBilling statement paid notificationBilling statement dispute notificationBilling statement refund notificationBilling statement correction notificationBilling statement cancel notificationBilling statement archive notificationBilling statement restore notificationBilling statement delete notificationBilling statement export notificationBilling statement import notificationBilling statement email notificationBilling statement print notificationBilling statement fax notificationBilling statement mail notificationBilling statement download notificationBilling statement upload notificationBilling statement edit notificationBilling statement add notificationNew account creation confirmationInvoice payment receivedInvoice payment failedInvoice past dueTime tracking remindersApproval request for time tracking entriesApproval request for invoicesInvoice sent to clientInvoice viewed by clientInvoice approved by clientInvoice rejected by clientTime tracking entry addedTime tracking entry editedTime tracking entry deletedProject deletion confirmationTask rescheduledOverdue task reminderClient account balance updateCredit card expiration reminderSubscription plan change confirmationContact added to client accountContact removed from client accountContact information updatedTeam member profile updateScheduled maintenance notificationService disruption notificationSecurity update notificationData backup confirmationData restore confirmationCustom reports availableCustom report generatedCustom report exportedCustom report deletedIntegration addedIntegration removedIntegration updatedSuggestions for improvement receivedOverdue time tracking submissionApproval needed for time tracking submissionApproval granted for time tracking submissionApproval denied for time tracking submissionNew client addedNew project addedNew task addedProject deadline passedTeam member added to projectTeam member removed from projectNew team member sign upSubscription upgrade/downgradeSystem maintenance notificationSystem downtime notificationData export successfulData import successfulError in data importBillable hours threshold reachedOvertime hours threshold reachedApproval needed for overtime hoursApproval granted for overtime hoursApproval denied for overtime hoursNew expense addedExpense reimbursement requestExpense reimbursement approvedExpense reimbursement deniedHourly rate changeUser role changeUser account reactivatedUser account terminationNew document addedDocument approval requestDocument approvedDocument denied