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notificationsContact/customer data NIST compliance notificationsContact/customer data SOC 2 Type 2 compliance notificationsContact/customer data SOC 2 Type 1 compliance notificationsContact/customer data SOC 1 Type 2 compliance notificationsContact/customer data SOC 1 Type 1 compliance notificationsContact/customer data SOC 3 Type 2 compliance notificationsContact/customer data SOC 3 Type 1 compliance notificationsUpcoming service maintenanceInvoices and billing informationCustomer satisfaction follow upTicket/issue resolution updatesReturn or exchange instructionsReferral program incentivesSubscription expiration noticePoints or rewards program updatesFeedback on customer support interactionsContest or giveaway notificationsRe engagement campaignsFeedback on customer service interactionsProduct or service usage tipsHoliday greetings or special offersCustomer account review remindersPersonalized product or service recommendationsNew Knowledge Base articlesOutage notificationsUpcoming 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summaryKnowledgebase update notification.Billing or subscription renewal remindersAppointment or event remindersTask or deadline remindersLead or sales follow up remindersCustomer feedback requestsSurveys or pollsPromotional or marketing offersUpcoming maintenance or downtime notificationsOrder confirmation or tracking updatesShipping or delivery confirmationsAccount deactivation or suspension noticesAbandoned cart or wishlist remindersPersonalized recommendations or suggestionsAnniversary or milestone celebrationsCustomer feedback or testimonialsNewsletters or email campaignsConferences or webinarsSurveys or user research invitationsCustomer service or support ratingsFeedback or feature requestsSecurity or privacy notificationsInvitations to user groups or communitiesProduct or service tutorials or guidesVolunteer or philanthropic opportunitiesSocial or environmental impact updatesCorporate or organizational updatesUser generated content or community highlightsCollaboration or 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notificationsUsage/activity reportsResource allocation/scheduling notificationsPerformance/metrics update notificationsSuccess/milestone achievement notificationsAppointment confirmationsUpcoming maintenance notificationsLeads generatedOrder confirmationsComplaint resolutionSubscription expiration warningsUser account login alertsTraining and education opportunitiesFeedback on service or support ticketsMarketing automation notificationsUpcoming webinars and eventsContact form submission confirmationsFeedback on survey responsesCampaign performance metricsSales target progress updatesEmail marketing campaign resultsLead scoring and routing notificationsNew customer welcome messagesProduct release notificationsContent marketing notificationsUpcoming sales and discountsNew account sign up incentivesEmail unsubscribe confirmationsGDPR compliance notifications.Confirmation of account activationProduct/service updatesInvoice/billing notificationUpcoming subscription expirationDelivery status 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